Country Farms Equestrian offers Riding Lesson, Polo Lessons, Summer Camp, Indoor - Outdoor Arena Polo, Interscholastics, Birthday Parties, Memberships. This facility has an 80 x 220 indoor riding arena. We have housing for up to 70 horses.
Polo Summer Camp
Polo Camp Polo camp is a four day a week program Tuesday thru Friday. Our program is designed to teach all aspects of the sport of polo. Riding, Hitting, Rules, Play selection. Each day a student will receive two hours of instruction, hands on experience with polo ponies in all aspects of polo. Learn to tack, groom, clip, bath, diagnose lameness, ride sets. During each week they will watch polo being played and play themselves in organized chukkers, go on field trips to watch professionals play and critique the rules and plays made by top professionals in the area. Polo Camp is a great opportunity for leveled riders in other disciplines to expand their riding horizons exponentially.
Polo Camp Prices

Per Day $300.00
Two Days $275.00 per day
One Week $250.00 per day
Two Weeks $235.00 per day
Four Weeks $215.00 per day
Six Weeks $200.00 per day
Eight Weeks $187.50 per day

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